Interview with Geetika Goyal | Coach | Author | Actor | Founder at Connecting Dots

Geetika Goyal

At BrilliantRead Media, our aim is to bring to our community some of the unique and compelling stories from the start-up ecosystem. As part of this endeavour, we invited yet another Leader and Entrepreneur – Geetika Goyal for an exclusive interview with us. Geetika is a Thought Leader, Coach, Mentor, Actor, Seasoned Entrepreneur and Proven Business Leader. She is the Founder of Connecting DotsLet’s learn more about her inspirational journey and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Geetika:

We are aware of your contribution to the ecosystem, talk us through your background and your journey as a women entrepreneur/coach, please;

I was born in a family of litterateur and musicians. So the inclination towards arts was natural.

Although, with the mindset of breaking the tradition, I opted for science and post-graduated from IIT Roorkee in the year 1993. Physics, being my subject, always kept me connected with the experiments that life brings to us on a daily basis.”

While pursuing the final semester at IITR, I realised that the purpose of my life was somewhere else. I felt a calling for giving Physics a second thought and finally decided to listen to my heart. After completing my degree, I went on to study Interior design.

Also worked as an interior designer for 5 years. And then, there came another change. My son was born and being a nuclear family, site visits became challenging. So I got back to my canvas and paints. Have been exhibiting for the last 20 years now.

On my way, in 2009, I also started Magic Creations- an academy for Visual and Performing Arts, known as Magic Creations. Magic Creations has been transforming lives through Fine Art & Theatre for the last 12 years now. This gave me an opportunity to be involved as a theatre artist too. Yes, I have been doing theatre for the last 8 years. Literature comes naturally to me, so writing is my forte too. Fortunate to have 7 books published – All fiction.

While I was completely involved with my art shows and theatre shows, got the opportunity to meet people from various walks of life.

My interactions with life revealed the abundance of people with judgmental temperament and scarcity of non-judgemental listening ears.”

This was the turning point in my life when I decided to be one of the those, who listen patiently, absorb and then speak empathetically. I connected the dots. A coach was born!

Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a corporate career?

Being a creative person, a usual 9-6 job never attracted me. I always wanted to be in a workspace where I had the freedom to experiment and be myself.

We are aware of all the good work you are doing in your space; what keeps you going?

Regular discussions with my family when we create the plan of action together. There are times when I feel little off or unsure, but then insightful conversations help.

‘Connecting Dots’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving with the help of your startup?

I have been passionate about connecting with people and listening to their stories. There is always so much to learn from these shares. With 18 years of my journey as a mentor and coach, I got the opportunity to be a part of many lives. It is rewarding and at the same time, a big responsibility.

Confidentiality is the foundation of any coaching experience- another great value that coaching teaches us. Working with individuals, corporate teams and ambitious entrepreneurs has been a great experience for me.

Co-creating these learning experiences with my clients gave me the opportunity to experiment. I feel proud to mention that my coaching style is different from many other coaches as theatrical and artistic skills are the strength that I abundantly use these as effective tools in the coaching sessions.”

I am a work in progress. Still just a few steps away from where I started. Keeping the eye on my goal, my journey continues.

Please share with us some of the challenges you faced in your journey;

Being a client-oriented work, getting the new connects was a challenge in the beginning. Sustainability has never been a challenge for us and that is because the focus has always been on quality rather than quality. But at the same time, quantity is important too. So the quest for new clients is always on and word of mouth publicity from the existing clients is our asset.

Apart from that, we were shifting our base to different cities every few years, till 2010 when we finally got settled in Gurgaon. Settling down in a new city every time, meant a new beginning. That sounds challenging, although it also has its own benefits. Every new city was my source of renewed energy and got me the opportunity to interact and work with clients with various cultures and mindsets. Hence I do not take this as a challenge but as an opportunity.

During this COVID-19 crisis, what are the measures we have undertaken to continue your business without disruption?

We changed the way we worked. Upgraded ourselves with new tools so that we could do justice to the new online approach. Also invested time in learning.

Pandemic has removed all the boundaries. We can see the globalisation happening NOW!

What is your Business Mantra: Money or Emotions?

Well, a blend of the two.

Most of the entrepreneurs begin their journeys out of passion. But along the way, they realise the importance of money. I am no exception.

Given the rapid pace at which the world is changing, what are the leadership traits that are necessary for success?

Listen, absorb and then talk.

Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.

What are the business mantras you have embraced as you sought to establish your success story?

My Mantras –

a) Communication

b) Continued Learning

c) Focused Hard Work

d) Long Term Vision.

Geetika Goyal

How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?

Monthly Planner. That is my tool to plan my days properly. When we are planned, the stress automatically reduces.

Also, the to-do lists that make me happy when I tick the boxes.

Singing is my passion. I try to do my weekly recording and share with friends. When they appreciate, I smile. Painting and Theatre are my passion too and work like meditation.

And not to forget the most effective Vitamin called ‘Friends’. Connect, talk, party!

What has worked well for you so far?

Love for my work has worked for me. Other than that, giving importance to myself has been crucial. When I feel my worth, it politely gets conveyed to the people around and I get the respect in return that I am looking for. So it is extremely important to respect yourself.

Another important mantra is – do not look for validation for every other thing. I know it is tough. I am learning.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Follow your heart, identify the goals, believe in you and feel happy about every milestone that you cross. Success is bound to follow.

We would love to know your advice for all those starting out as an aspiring women entrepreneur?

Tell yourself your worth. Create a long term vision and short term plans. Take smaller steps. Believe in your potential. Keep going.

When you respect what you do, the family will understand the same and support.

For mothers- There is no age to convert your dreams into reality. Although starting early is better so that you are busy by the time kids are ready to fly away from the nest. Just go for it.

For others – If you do not use YOUR potential, someone else will! So, Just go for it.

Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Namita Sayani | Image Consultant | Trainer | Life Coach | Founder at Namita Sayani Image Consulting

BrilliantRead is committed to bringing stories from the startup ecosystem, stories that reshape our perspective, add value to our community and be a constant source of motivation not just for our community but also for the whole ecosystem of entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals.
Note: If you have a similar story to share with our audience and would like to be featured on our online magazine, then please write to us at, we will review your story and extend an invitation to feature if it is worth publishing.

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